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Fusio provides a specific PHP-API in every action which can be used to produce a response. This API describes all available variables and can be used as a reference to develop new actions.


$requestRepresents an incoming request. This object can be used to access all values from an incoming request
$parametersThe parameters represent a general set of key values which is used in various places. As argument to the action method it contains the configuration parameters of the action. At the request object it contains the query and uri fragment parameters
$contextThe context contains all information about the incoming request which is not HTTP related i.e. it contains the authenticated user and app or also the route id which was used
$connectorThrough the connector it is possible to access configured connection objects. A connection is i.e. a MYSQL connection which can be configured at the admin panel. Inside an action it is possible to access this connection through this class. Which objects is returned depends on the connection type i.e. the MYSQL connection returns a Doctrine DBAL Connection instance and the HTTP connection returns a Guzzle instance. There are already many adapters available which allow many different kind of services i.e. ElasticSearch, MongoDB, AMQP, etc.
$responseThe response factory MUST be used to create a response for an action. It is a factory method which returns a specific response object. Please always use this factory since this gives us the freedom to change the response implementation
$processorThe processor can be used to invoke another action. Normally an action should only contain simple logic but in some cases you may want to invoke an existing action
$dispatcherThe dispatcher can be used to trigger specific events. A consumer can subscribe to such events and they will receive a HTTP POST call to the defined endpoint in case you dispatch an event. The call happens in the background through a cronjob so the dispatch operation is not expensive
$loggerSee for the full interface specification
$cacheSee for the full interface specification


Represents an incoming request. This object can be used to access all values from an incoming request.

get(string $name): mixedReturns an argument by name
getArguments(): arrayReturns all available arguments as associative array
getPayload(): mixedReturns the request payload
getContext(): RequestContextInterfaceReturns the request context

Most times your actions gets invoked by an HTTP request, in this case the get method reads the value from the path or query parameter. The getPayload method returns the parsed body, this is either a general PSX\Record\RecordInterface object or a custom DTO object. If your schema is set to Passthru then it contains a Fusio\Engine\Record\PassthruRecord object.

We recommend to use in your action only the get, getArguments and getPayload method on the request object so that you action is independent of an HTTP request since your action can be used also in a different context, i.e. it can be invoked through RPC or another context. If needed you can get all details of the HTTP request through the getContext method. In case the action was invoked through an HTTP request the context contains a Fusio\Engine\Request\HttpRequestContext instance. The following example shows how you can access all details of the HTTP request object.


$request->get('id'); // returns a path or query parameter
$request->getPayload(); // returns the request payload
$request->getArguments(); // returns all available arguments as array

$context = $request->getContext();
if ($context instanceof \Fusio\Engine\Request\HttpRequestContext) {
$context->getParameter('id'); // returns a path parameter
$context->getRequest()->getUri()->getParameter('count'); // returns a query parameter
$context->getRequest()->getMethod(); // returns the request method i.e. GET or POST
$context->getRequest()->getHeader('my-header'); // returns a request header
$context->getRequest()->getBody(); // returns the raw request body


The parameters represent a general set of key values which is used in various places. As argument to the action method it contains the configuration parameters of the action. At the request object it contains the query and uri fragment parameters.

get(string $key): ?stringReturns a specific parameter
has(string $key)Checks whether a parameter is available
set(string $key, mixed $value)Sets a specific parameter
isEmpty(): boolReturns whether no parameter is available
toArray(): arrayReturns an array representation of this collection


The context contains all information about the incoming request which is not HTTP related i.e. it contains the authenticated user and app or also the route id which was used.

getRouteId(): intReturns the id of the route
getBaseUrl(): stringReturns the base url of the system to generate i.e. HATEOAS links. The url has a trailing slash
getApp(): AppInterfaceReturns the app which was used for this request. Can also be an anonymous app if authorization is not required for the endpoint
getUser(): UserInterfaceReturns the user which has authenticated through the app. Can also be an anonymous user if authorization is not required for the endpoint
getAction: ActionInterfaceReturns the current action
withAction(ActionInterface $action): selfCreates a new context containing the given action
getConnection(): mixedReturns the connection which is currently used by the action
withConnection(mixed $connection): selfSets the currently used connection


Through the connector it is possible to access configured connection objects. A connection is i.e. a MYSQL connection which can be configured at the admin panel. Inside an action it is possible to access this connection through this class. Which objects is returned depends on the connection type i.e. the MYSQL connection returns a Doctrine DBAL Connection instance and the HTTP connection returns a Guzzle instance. There are already many adapters available for different kind of services i.e. ElasticSearch, MongoDB, AMQP, etc.

getConnection(string/int $connectionId)Returns an arbitrary connection to a remote service. It is recommended to use the connection name but you can also use the actual database id of the connection


The response factory MUST be used to create a response for an action. It is a factory method which returns a specific response object. Please always use this factory since this gives us the freedom to change the response implementation.

build(int $statusCode, array $headers, mixed $body)Creates a new response object


The processor can be used to invoke another action. Normally an action should only contain simple logic but in some cases you may want to invoke an existing action.

execute(string/int $actionId, RequestInterface $request, ContextInterface $context)Executes a specific action using the request and context and returns a response. It is recommended to use the action name but you can also use the actual database id of the action


The dispatcher can be used to trigger specific events. A consumer can subscribe to such events and they will receive a HTTP POST call to the defined endpoint in case you dispatch an event. The call happens in the background through a cronjob so the dispatch operation is not expensive.

dispatch(string $eventName, mixed $payload)Dispatches a specific event and sends the payload to all subscribers. The payload gets json encoded so it is recommended to use i.e. an array or stdClass data type


See for the full interface specification.

emergency(string $message, array $context)System is unusable.
alert(string $message, array $context)Action must be taken immediately. Example: Entire website down, database unavailable, etc. This should trigger the SMS alerts and wake you up.
critical(string $message, array $context)Critical conditions. Example: Application component unavailable, unexpected exception.
error(string $message, array $context)Runtime errors that do not require immediate action but should typically be logged and monitored.
warning(string $message, array $context)Exceptional occurrences that are not errors. Example: Use of deprecated APIs, poor use of an API, undesirable things that are not necessarily wrong.
notice(string $message, array $context)Normal but significant events.
info(string $message, array $context)Interesting events. Example: User logs in, SQL logs.
debug(string $message, array $context)Detailed debug information.
log(string $message, array $context)Logs with an arbitrary level.


See for the full interface specification.

get(string $key): mixedFetches a value from the cache. MUST be thrown if the $key string is not a legal value.
set(string $key, mixed $value)Persists data in the cache, uniquely referenced by a key with an optional expiration TTL time. the driver supports TTL then the library may set a default value for it or let the driver take care of that. MUST be thrown if the $key string is not a legal value.
delete(string $key)Delete an item from the cache by its unique key. MUST be thrown if the $key string is not a legal value.
clear()Wipes clean the entire cache's keys.
getMultiple(array $keys)Obtains multiple cache items by their unique keys. MUST be thrown if $keys is neither an array nor a Traversable, or if any of the $keys are not a legal value.
setMultiple(array $values)Persists a set of key => value pairs in the cache, with an optional TTL. the driver supports TTL then the library may set a default value for it or let the driver take care of that. MUST be thrown if $values is neither an array nor a Traversable, or if any of the $values are not a legal value.
deleteMultiple(array $keys)Deletes multiple cache items in a single operation. MUST be thrown if $keys is neither an array nor a Traversable, or if any of the $keys are not a legal value.
has(string $key): boolDetermines whether an item is present in the cache. NOTE: It is recommended that has() is only to be used for cache warming type purposes and not to be used within your live applications operations for get/set, as this method is subject to a race condition where your has() will return true and immediately after, another script can remove it making the state of your app out of date. MUST be thrown if the $key string is not a legal value.