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Deployment system

Fusio has a deployment system which allows you to store your complete Fusio configuration into .yaml config files. This allows you to store all config in a VCS so that you can easily reproduce a Fusio installation without sharing a database. You can execute the deployment system with the php bin/fusio deploy command, then Fusio reads all defined configuration files and sends them to the internal REST API. If you want to see an example you can take a look at our headless CMS repository which uses the deploy system to build a headless CMS.


All operations are stored in a dedicated operations file which includes for each operation a detail yaml file.

"page.getAll": !include resources/operations/page/collection.yaml
"page.get": !include resources/operations/page/entity.yaml
"post.getAll": !include resources/operations/post/collection.yaml
"post.get": !include resources/operations/post/entity.yaml
"comment.getAll": !include resources/operations/comment/collection.yaml
"comment.get": !include resources/operations/comment/entity.yaml

The operations detail yaml file contains all information about an operation which you can also provide at the backend. In this example we use as schema model PHP classes which we have generated. Your action then also automatically receives those generated model classes.

scopes: ["comment"]
public: true
description: "Returns all available comments"
httpMethod: GET
httpPath: "/page"
httpCode: 200
outgoing: "App\\Model\\CommentCollection"
500: "App\\Model\\Message"
action: "App\\Action\\Comment\\GetAll"


All models are generated through a TypeSchema definition. Please take a look at the TypeSchema integration page for more information how to automatically generate those models.


Each action uses a service to handle a specific resource. I.e. the comment create action only invokes the create method of the comment service so that the action does not contain any complex logic.

class Create extends ActionAbstract
private Comment $commentService;

public function __construct(Comment $commentService)
$this->commentService = $commentService;

public function handle(RequestInterface $request, ParametersInterface $configuration, ContextInterface $context)
try {
$id = $this->commentService->create(

$message = new Message();
$message->setMessage('Comment successful created');
} catch (StatusCodeException $e) {
throw $e;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new InternalServerErrorException($e->getMessage());

return $this->response->build(201, [], $message);

PHP Class

action: "App\\Todo\\CollectionAction"

If the action string is a PHP class Fusio tries to autoload this class through composer. The class must implement the Fusio\Engine\ActionInterface. This is the most advanced solution since it is also possible to access services from the DI container. In the following an example implementation:


namespace App\Todo;

use Fusio\Engine\ActionAbstract;
use Fusio\Engine\ContextInterface;
use Fusio\Engine\ParametersInterface;
use Fusio\Engine\RequestInterface;

class CollectionAction extends ActionAbstract
public function handle(RequestInterface $request, ParametersInterface $configuration, ContextInterface $context)
// @TODO handle request and return response

return $this->response->build(200, [], [
'message' => 'Hello World!',

PHP File

action: "${dir.src}/Todo/collection.php"

If the action points to a file with a php file extension Fusio simply includes this file. In the following an example implementation:

* @var \Fusio\Engine\ConnectorInterface $connector
* @var \Fusio\Engine\ContextInterface $context
* @var \Fusio\Engine\RequestInterface $request
* @var \Fusio\Engine\Response\FactoryInterface $response
* @var \Fusio\Engine\ProcessorInterface $processor
* @var \Fusio\Engine\DispatcherInterface $dispatcher
* @var \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger
* @var \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface $cache

// @TODO handle request and return response

$response->build(200, [], [
'message' => 'Hello World!',


action: ""

If the action contains an http or https url the request gets forwarded to the defined endpoint. Fusio automatically adds some additional headers to the request which may be used by the endpoint i.e.:

X-Fusio-Route-Id: 72
X-Fusio-User-Anonymous: 1
X-Fusio-User-Id: 4
X-Fusio-App-Id: 3
X-Fusio-App-Key: 1ba7b2e5-fa1a-4153-8668-8a855902edda

Static file

action: "${dir.src}/static.json"

If the action points to a simple file Fusio will simply forward the content to the client. This is helpful if you want to build fast an sample API with dummy responses.


Through the command php bin/fusio deploy you can deploy the API. This command reads all .yaml files and creates/updates all resources through the API.


We have only covered deploying "operation" objects, but it is possible to deploy almost any object which is available at Fusio. Therefor you need to configure the .fusio.yml file to include the fitting files. The following list shows all resources which can be deployed:

  • Action
  • Config
  • Connection
  • Cronjob
  • Event
  • Plan
  • Rate
  • Role
  • Operation
  • Schema
  • Scope