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Dependency Injection

Fusio uses the Symfony DI component to manage dependencies. The resources/container.php file contains the main DI configuration file to define all services for your app. We recommend to enable autowiring for specific folders so that you don`t need to manually register a service. I.e. if you follow the recommended Fusio folder structure you could enable auto-wiring on the following folders.


use Fusio\Engine\Adapter\ServiceBuilder;
use PSX\Framework\Dependency\Configurator;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\ContainerConfigurator;

return static function (ContainerConfigurator $container) {
$services = ServiceBuilder::build($container);
$services = Configurator::services($services);

$services->load('App\\Action\\', __DIR__ . '/../src/Action');
$services->load('App\\Connection\\', __DIR__ . '/../src/Connection');

$services->load('App\\Service\\', __DIR__ . '/../src/Service')

$services->load('App\\Table\\', __DIR__ . '/../src/Table')

$services->load('App\\View\\', __DIR__ . '/../src/View');

Through this you only need to add a class at the specific folder and it automatically available for the system and you can then also include every dependency at the constructor. I.e. you could paste the following custom action code to the src/Action/MyAction.php and you can then use the action class App\Action\MyAction directly at an operation.


namespace App\Action;

use Fusio\Engine\ActionAbstract;
use Fusio\Engine\ContextInterface;
use Fusio\Engine\ParametersInterface;
use Fusio\Engine\RequestInterface;

class MyAction extends ActionAbstract
public function handle(RequestInterface $request, ParametersInterface $configuration, ContextInterface $context): mixed
$body = [
'hello' => 'world',

return $this->response->build(200, [], $body);

We have created also a sample project showing all best practices of Fusio at: